Black Cumin Oil

5,37 €
5,97 €
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Ingredients: 100% pure unrefined cold pressed black cumin oil.
INCI: nigella sativa seed oil.
Origin: Egipt.
Certificate: organic.
Contraindications: individual intolerance of oil black cumin oil. It is not recommended during pregnancy.

Black cumin oil is obtained from black cumin by using method of cold pressing with following refining. Black thyme is cultivated in many countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and India.

During many centuries black cumin oil commonly used by million people all over the world, especially in Asia, Africa and Middle East. Results of scientific researches confirmed the most important significance of black cumin, about which was said more than 1400 years ago. Black thyme in some way is plant of the prophet Muhammad and it take special unique place in Arabic medicine. Precisely prophet Muhammad made black thyme popular, giving very detailed recipes and the ways of it’s using in specific diseases. Prophet said: «Black thyme is medicine from every disease, except «saam» (and «saam» is death)».

Properties: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral.

Is used:
✓ for acceleration hair growth and prevention poliosis;
✓ to care of problem, inflamed skin with acne;
✓ for giving skin flexibility, elimination of edema;
✓ for tonicizing bath in tiredness and depression;
✓ for prevention fungous diseases.

Methods of external application.
Black cumin oil can be used in pure form, composed in blends with other oils, as base oil for making compositions with natural essential oils, for enrichment with natural oil ready cosmetic preparations: creams, masks, shampoos, balsams. It is used for applications, bandages, smearings, preparing massage and cosmetic blends.

Mask for problem skin
Mix half teaspoon of black cumin oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this blend on your face and leave for 1 hour. Then wash with water and soap.

Oil for oily skin
Mix 1 tablespoon of black cumin oil, 4 drops of bergamot essential oil, 4 drops of juniper essential oil, 2 drops of rosemary essential oil, 1 drop of basil essential oil, apply for 15-20 minutes. Remove rest with a tissue.

Tonicizing bath
1 teaspoon of black cumin oil dissolve with salt or foam and add in the bath.

Massage bag for taking bath
A little gaze bag fill with rolled oats about 1-1,5 glass, add 1 teaspoon of black thyme oil, 1 teaspoon of cedar oil, 5 drops of rosemary essential oil, 5 drops of rose essential oil. Use bag instead of bath sponge. Skin will be tender and velvety.

Oil for hands
1 teaspoon of black thyme oil, 1 teaspoon of camomile oil, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Massage hands with this blend, then remove rest of oil with a tissue.

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