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Follow eco lifestyle!

It is not a fashion trend, but rather the opportunity to improve their quality of life, your and your children's health, using products that are friendly to both you and the environment!

More and more people appreciate the true and natural values and life style, both in food and cosmetics. Long ago in ancient times, our ancestors have collecting plants, flowers, fruits and berries, roots-lived in accordance with the nature and used what nature has given birth. Today's people's daily walk in a hurry, so you don't always have time to study and analyze the composition of the product, but seeing that store shelves are full of products that are harmful to health and hazardous substances-we cannot stand aside indifferently. We select and offer you only those products that do not hurt your health and the environment!

We admire them as efficient and powerful is the natural bounty, so on sekoeko.lv you will find both the cosmetics and bio-food and health improvement, preparation and various other natural products, as well as the opportunity to learn more about the lifestyle of our workshops!

Healthy living-health in the long run

Daily diet fresh vegetables, ride with the bike on the eight hour night peace-healthy? Of course. And it would be just great if anyone of us would engage in such lifestyle. But the world has so many people who heard the word composition "healthy lifestyle" Imagine food not swimming in oil or regular 5 km race before Labor Day, realizing that these words were much more.

It is essential to understand that making everyone in our daily action, be it a meal or dish washing, we are exposed to various chemical substances. Clean the House or wash the clothes we use a wide range of care products, which, of course, there are many chemical substances, as well as to the labels often are not all in its composition. Also all this affects people (healthy) lifestyle. Most harmful chemical effects on infants and children and to any growing organism. More and more scientific studies show that many "industrial" chemicals have harmful side effects to health, causing illness with cancer, allergies, makes learning and genitals. Dangerous mixtures contain extremely many everyday products: cosmetics, cleaning products, fragrances, furniture, carpets, textiles, food, utensils, clothing, store shelves are crowded with various cosmetic products, which are described in the bench-hair shine, there will be massive, the skin will be smooth, Brown, velvety, etc. But as all this is achieved? Located in the composition of cosmetic products? Paraben, propylene glycol, mineral oil, liquid paraffin, triethanolamine, diethanolamine are just some of the substances that can be found in the composition of cosmetic products. Examine the impact of substances on human health, have to read-toxic, causes liver abnormalities, kidney damage, causes cancer, etc.

Substances harmful to health are found not only in cosmetic products, but also the cleaning products. Laundry and dishwasher detergents containing phosphates, which not only permanently damaging our health-lungs, liver, heart and brain. Entering after washing the water holds phosphates destroyed all life in the water and makes it difficult for the population supply with drinking water.

It is our free choice, each one cosmetics, household goods, food use. But always recalled that the main subject is not the brand and marketing costs, advertising and big beautiful shop maintenance, but this product impacts on our health. The big manufacturers do like them easier and not so soon let go of the additives are harmful because they reduce the cost of production and allow production to keep store shelves for years. To reduce the presence of harmful substances in the body, start with the fact that learning to distinguish some of the ingredients on the packaging of the goods.

We have the opportunity to not spend so much time and money, but to improve health, choosing the best provided by nature! Live in accordance with yourself and nature – to environmental and natural products! Follow eco lifestyle!